How to install kali Linux on android without root 2023

Hello guys, today in this post I will show you step by step installation of Kali Linux nethunter without any  errors and especially offline installation…  

How to install kali Linux on android without root 2022 Azad hacks

What is kali Linux nethunter?

In short kali Linux nethunter is a desktop version of Kali Linux that you can run on your android without root.

Of course this is also used for ethical hacking purposes and it is a powerful Linux operating system as well.

Step one: Downloading neccesaary files

So Let's get started, Very first you guys will need to download these 2 apps which are files and nethunter kex in this post. And also make sure to install  them into your device. 

How to install kali Linux on android without root 2022 Azad hacks

And next, go to the play store  and download termux.

How to install kali Linux on android without root 2022 Azad hacks

And the last thing to download is the  Kali Linux iso File and " Bash script ".  

The iso file is huge it's about 3 gigabytes so you need to drink some coffee while it's downloading And here you guys need files because you can use this file Manager  directly to navigate termux storage, and trust me this is going to help you a lot while copying files in termux storage.  

Now after you guys have downloaded all  the necessary files open termux.  

So here m about to show you the  offline installation process so we don't need to update termux repository and we are not going to use WGET as well.  

Note guys all the commands that I  have used in termux are case sensitive so make sure to type exactly or just  copy and paste from my website.  

So let's set up storage by executing this command " termux-setup-storage " now  tap on enter and tap on allow.  

Now type "LS" to confirm that you have a storage setup.  

Now as you guys have set up storage  you guys need to go back and open the file manager application and  navigate to the downloaded folder and then copy both of these files by tapping on  the three dot icon and then tap on copy to then tap on the burger icon then you should see termux so tap on termux again.. then simply copy both of  these files in the root directory of termux And it's going to take some  time as you can see here..  

Now we have both files pasted in termux. You can also check from termux by executing the " LS " command Now you can see that we have a script file here .. So we need to make this script file executable so that we can easily  install Kali Linux nethunter.  

To make it executable you  need to execute this command.  

" Chmod +x install "

and you can tap on this icon  which means a tab button so that you don't need to type all the file name. Now tap on entering So as you can see that by typing " LS "

command again we can see the script has is executable and it changes its color to green. As I have told you this is a bash file so to execute this bash file in termux all you need to do is  

Type "  ./install-nethunter-termux "

and press on a tab to fill  in all the names of the script file And now tap on entering and boom there we go. We have not used WGET or updated termux repositories and now we are installing this  without any Hassle of error stuff.  

Step 3:- 

Right now the script is running  to verify our iso file But this is going to take some time, maybe minutes. So patience is needed here and also don't turn off the screen and don't run any apps in  the background let your phone remain still.  

Now after you see those matrix lines It's going to give you a popup blue line’s. existing image file found and do you want to delete the file and download a new one ?? So this is a very important step here.  

so just simply press " N " because we have already  downloaded the Kali Linux iso file.  

If you press Y it will download the iso file  again but m pretty sure you will end up with an error. So just press " N " it's totally fine. After pressing " N " this is going to extract  the iso file and it's going to take a ton of time maybe more than 20 minutes. 

After finishing it's going to ask you again do you want to delete the root file ?? 

So if you want to save storage and delete the iso file then you can delete it so press Y if no press N. 

Well, you already have the iso file in the  download folder so it's good to delete it so press " Y ". Now you guys are in Kali Linux nethunter shell To start Kali nethunter simply type nethunter  

Now to set up the GUI you will need  to set up a kex password first.  

So type kex passed and type your  desire " passwd " and verify it.  

It's going to ask for a view-only password  so type " Y " and repeat the same password. And verify again. As we have set up the kex  

Now we can launch the GUI version of Kali Linux nethunter. To start GUI execute this command. Kex & and press enter.  

Now, this is going to start  a VNC server for you. And you can see the display, RFB port. 

Now open nethunter kex. 😂Make sure it's ok localhost and type your  kex password here then press on connect.  

Well guys, there you go we are on a fully  functioning Kali Linux nethunter desktop GUI mod.  

And you can launch all the tools  and use them against your wish.  

Well, I am not responsible for your bad  behavior by hacking someone's data.. 

So use it wisely you can learn its a  tool from YouTube there are tons of tutorials regarding Kali Linux. 

Keep learning Linux The password for root is Kali Now to stop the VNC server go back to the terminal and type kex stop. 

Well guys that's it I hope you found this post more useful. 

All commands and download stuff for easy access:

Commands ( case sensitive )

1: termux-setup-storage

2: ls ( to check your directory)

3: chmod +x install-nethunter-termux ( to make executable)

4: ./install-nethunter-termux

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